Why my little plant start changing color from the root?

2014-04-09 2:32 am

回答 (4)

2014-04-11 10:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
From the picture, it definitely looks like a root rot. Try to completely stop watering it for a while and see if you can still save this beautiful plant. Keep in mind, that a cactus prefers dry environment, so next time, water it only when the grow medium you keep it in is dry. Hope this will work for you.
2014-04-09 1:50 pm
It does look like rot. Stop watering it. Looks like a cactus. They like the soil to dry out almost completely before they get watered again.
2014-04-09 9:56 am
It's rotting from too much water by the look of it.
2014-04-09 4:29 pm
Stopping watering it.

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