Oxycodone addiction?

2014-04-09 12:20 am
I have been using Oxycodone for 3 months or so as I recovered from cancer surgery and chemo. I use about 80-100mg. Daily and I want to know If this dose made me physically addicted

回答 (3)

2014-04-09 12:27 am
The Dr will wean you off it when decides to.Don't worry about addiction.
2014-04-09 12:24 am
It may. But to be sure, you'd have to stop taking it and see if there are any symptoms of physical withdrawal from this drug. Ask your doctor if you can become physically addicted if you have been taking it as prescribed--if you have been taking more than you need, then you probably are already addicted, since the process of addiction would increase your dependency over time. Chances are, you're not--if you don't need more than you are prescribed for the same relief.
2014-04-09 12:42 am
it could've. if you feel like you're dependent on it, then it probably has. but fear not, you can always retrogress with any needed help!

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