Sag Ex? Stay or Go?

2014-04-08 7:16 pm
I dated a Sag boy for 3 years...then he asked for a break up as he felt it didn't work. After the break up, for the first 4 months, we both have new targets and dates. During that period, we did keep contact, but the conversation doesn't sound good. However, one day, he told me that he missed me a lot and when he deal with stress. Since then we gradually reunited.

But there are still ups and downs. I guess he is still searching people to date while he still go out with me and kiss/hug - and it's still ongoing until now. We argued few days ago saying that I didn't trust him but he claimed he has turned good for some reason.

My friends keep ask me to dump him as he is not as good as I thought.

But I wanna work it out and date him again...

What do you guys think..?


回答 (2)

2014-04-10 7:52 am
He is still confused if he should trust you yet aswell. Sit with him and tel him this.

"Babe, I love you and I want us to try to make this work. I need you to take me serious so I can comit and love you the way I want to be loved.
I wont lie or cheat nor will I disrespect you, I need to know you will take me serious too".
參考: Sag male
2014-04-08 7:25 pm
Make him commit to you, to be with you.
If he is still seeing others - he is just using you.
Time for you to take real action.

Tell him its all or nothing and mean it.
then set him free and see if he comes back, if he doesn't come back so be it.
If he does come back he is really yours, don't let him take you for granted - EVER!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 21:17:34
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