
2014-04-09 1:52 am


回答 (3)

2014-04-09 5:15 am
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「供養」是親情關係的概念,英國/美國人的文化不搞這一套,給錢照顧父母就是給錢照顧,沒有供養不供養的。從納稅角度看,稅務局對「受供養的父母」的法律稱呼是「dependent parents」,同理可類推出「dependent children」,但「供養」作為動詞在英語世界是不存在的,這是cultural context的文化差異。

2014-04-09 11:29:13 補充:
問了幾個和華人一起租房的美國朋友,他們說真的沒有特定字眼翻譯「供養」,反正他們作為美國人就叫它為「contribute to household expenses ,help with their bills and groceries,help with the family's expenses」。美國人的理財觀念是「分擔」而不是「供養/報答」。
2014-04-09 11:13 am
If you remove the religious connotation from the term "供養“, it would mean the same as "資助”。Therefore, the word "support" is quite sufficient and appropriate in conveying the intended meaning.
2014-04-09 5:20 am
The meaning of "供養" is different from "supply", "provide for", "support". I think, there must be other words that are specifically for the meaning.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 21:17:23
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