How come the stocks falling down?

2014-04-08 3:54 am

回答 (3)

2014-04-08 12:40 pm
Maybe you are holding the chart upside down?

Pick an Index, any Index....they have all pretty much at least doubled over the last five years;

And the Dow has almost always generated an average total return of 9-12%, annualized;

If the stocks YOU own are falling, that can only mean you own the wrong stocks!
2014-04-08 12:24 pm
If you are talking about the stock market's decline in the past few days, it should come as no surprise. This market is over bought by a big margin, average PE's compared to historical PE's are screaming for a major correction. Plus, earnings by US companies are slowing, Europe is not recovering very quickly and China has some looming economic issues that are going to affect them. Yesterday, the S&P broke a big downward technical barrier, and once the technical sellers get nervous then you will see even bigger price drops. I think 10% is easily in the cards, and then it depends on the media - in the brief correction earlier this year, the media basically set the limit at 10% and as soon as one index touched that people started buying again on reflex. That could happen again, but it could also be a 20% or more correction.
2014-04-08 3:55 am
More sellers than buyers.

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