[英文]急 求助英文高手幫忙中翻英

2014-04-07 9:43 pm



面對快速變化競爭激烈的環境,科技日新月異、技術推陳出新,消費者的需求日趨獨特化與新潮化,以至產品生命週期逐漸縮短,惟有不斷開發創新產品才能提高企業的經營價值。開發成功創新的消費型電子產品端賴有效的專案組合管理,對於不同層級之管理人員如何善用有限資源的配置與派遣,充分運用且彈性靈活地調整組織資源,藉此發揮最佳化能力,達成公司最大獲利目標,提升企業的營運績效,此仍決策者重要之課題。本研究以專案管理手法為基礎,以瞭解國內外學者對於新產品開發的研究內容與應用,並蒐集消費型電子相關產業的資料,透過參與產品決策人員的問卷調查方式,採用變異數分析等統計方法。進一步探討有限資源在財務行銷、研發、製造及人力資源四大管理構面影響下,對有開發潛力的產品群與提升準則模組之四大指標( 財務、行銷、目標達成、主觀判定 )的影響,聚焦在有限資源的最佳利用與最大預期獲利,建構一套以有限資源為基礎且具備完整性的產品決策模式,提供學術界與產業實務之參考,進而提升企業的競爭優勢。


回答 (2)

2014-04-12 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Faced with a fast-changing competitive environment, advancement of technology, technology innovation, consumers ' growing demand for unique and trendy, as well as progressively shorter product life cycles, only by constantly developing innovative products to improve business value. Develop innovative consumer electronic products successfully depends on effective project Organizer, for managers of different levels, how to make the best use of limited resources allocation and dispatch of to optimize utilization and flexible adjustment of the organizational resources in order to make optimization capabilities, ensure maximum profit goals, improve corporate performance, this decision makers important topics. Based on this research project management practices to see scholars for research and application of new product development at home and abroad, and to obtain information on consumer electronics-related industries, through participation in questionnaire product decision makers using variance analysis and other statistical methods. Further discussion limited resources in financial marketing, and research, and manufacturing and the human resources four management frame surface effects Xia, on has development potential of products group and upgrade guidelines module of four pointer (financial, and marketing, and target reached, and subjective found) of effects, focused in limited resources of best uses and maximum expected profit, construction set to limited resources for based and has integrity of products decision-making mode, provides academia and industry practice of reference, turn upgrade enterprise of competition advantage.
2014-06-02 1:43 pm
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