should i get my daughter a dog?

2014-04-06 11:21 pm
i don't really know what i should do... my 14 year old daughter, who is very responsible, has been wanting a dog since she was like 5, her birthday is coming up. she has been dog sitting the neighbors dog, and has been walking dog for the passed 3 years, has only had 1 accident. i want get her one because she is ready but i don't know if she will change when she has her own dog. what do i do??

回答 (9)

2014-04-07 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
She sounds responsible. The dog should be her choice, with your input. Visit several rescue orgainzations and don't make a hasty decision. If you are interested in a dog, make sure the rescue organization knows and has your name and contact information. They should be willing to put a hold on the dog, making it you've got first choice, if another potential adopter comes along. That said, be sure to give them a yes/no in a reasonable time. They may contact you if other potential adopters come along.
2014-04-07 7:42 am
Well, if you're second guessing that maybe she'll grow bored then that's a good sign that maybe she ISN'T ready for her own dog. There's usually a reason for second-guessing.

Also have to consider that dog sitting/walking someone else's dog is NOT the same as having one yourself. Those dogs she can leave behind, her own dog will be in the family home 24/7. There's no going home after a walk or after playing/feeding.

Will she get up at five in the morning or in the middle of the night to let the dog out, if needed? Will she take the dog for a walk before and after school? Who is going to house train the dog, teach it manners, and obedience train it? Who will groom it? What about vetting? Who is PAYING for this dog, which can run thousands of dollars per year?

If you're seriously considering getting a FAMILY DOG (this will be a family pet, not just hers) then the family needs to sit down as a whole and discuss it. Discuss responsibilities, costs, etc. Who will do what and when, what happens if it doesn't get done, etc etc. Who gets the dog when she's out, what to do on holidays.

Another thing to consider is that this dog will almost certainly stay with you when she moves out. First year of college, if she decides to go, is hardest and the chances of her having the time or money for a dog are slim to none. Plus depending on breed, it may be hard for her to move out at all (restrictions.)

It's a big decision to make and it's ultimately UP TO YOU. If you think the family is ready, then go for it. If not then she can continue doing her walking/sitting (what happens to that once she gets this dog btw?) and she will have plenty of time to get a dog in her lifetime.
2014-04-07 6:23 am
Get her one but when she goes to collage it will be your dog.
2014-04-07 7:15 am
Your daughter will be off to college in 3 or 4 years. What happens to the dog then?

Get a dog only if YOU want one and are willing to care for it for the next 10 to 15 years (and dogs cost about $1000 a year).
2014-04-07 10:15 am
You should ONLY get your daughter a dog if YOU want a dog. A dog is a huge responsibility, and not one ANY 14 year old, no matter how responsible, is able to be fully responsible for. No matter how responsible she may be, she is still a minor and YOU will be the one who is responsible financially for the dog (as well as for making sure that she doesn't get distracted from her pet obligations by friends or boys). A dog is a 10+ year commitment. Meaning you should expect any puppy you get at this point in your daughter's life to live until she's at least 24. Even and adult dog adopted from rescue should still live until she's a legal adult. Who's going to be completely responsible for this dog while she's going to college, or during that financially unstable time after she graduates from college before she's established herself? A dog is never a child's pet, it is always going to be a family pet and ultimately the responsibility for that pet will rest on the parents.
2014-04-07 8:17 am
Since she's a teenager I would reccomend getting her a dog but a dog that doesn't require as much responsibility because she can be really caught up in school. Although dogs do make a mess sometimes I recommend getting a small breed dog.
2014-04-07 6:39 am
dogs are great pets to have, but they are a lot of work. it's not just feed them and play. it does teach a kid responsibly and they are friends for life. it makes a family have more time together and makes life happier (if you are a dog person). if she decides to go off the college you might get stuck with it, (I got two cats that way). she probably won't change her mind that much-unless she gets one that attacks or something like that. not likely though.

I just got a new puppy and boy I forgot all the work I had to do but I'm so happy I found this one. (mixed lab-form my shelter).
參考: one
2014-04-07 6:30 am
Dogs are always there for people really kind and loving. I can see what shes doing is a very good job, and ater a few years the attention will grow less, but alreadytelling me about the description you told me about her, probably wont change the way she feels and cares for dogs, and collage, well who says shes goingto a far colllage? and people say they are a big responsibily , but it is sooooo much fun! it really isnt. Just feed and play with them. Potty training is pretty easy. I think she deserves a dog and its a great idea to try sometihng new.
2014-04-07 6:25 am
takes alot of responsablity clearing up dog mess , walking, cleaning . plus when you dog is in season that can be a bit of trouble. also house training ect. But apart from all of that. Having a dog is amazing. i have a dog and although she can be a handful. It brings all my family together. and is a great experience . Especially when your a kid. HAving a dog is great!

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