Fruit and veggies for rats?

2014-04-06 1:16 pm
Can someone give me a complete list of what fruit and veggies pet rats can eat

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2014-04-07 4:27 am
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The list is too long to individually list each item a rat can eat.

Domesticated Pet Rats are Norway Rats ( Rattus norvegicus ) also known as Warf Rats. They can eat anything you can eat, meat, fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains or berries. They may have personal preferences for certain foods, just like you do, but are capable of eating anything you can eat.

Roof Rats, the great big ones with long tails and big round ears, can eat any nut, berries, fruit or vegetable you can eat. They will not eat meat, dairy or eggs.

Both types of rats are attracted to the seed spilled from bird feeders onto the ground, and to compost piles.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:27:56
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