
2014-04-07 12:18 am
我本人不懂作英文作文,求寫一個作文,大約50字,題目是:my computer

回答 (3)

2014-04-07 2:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. How you feel with your computer. (Eg. you like/hate it.../ you think it is helpful/helpless)
2. Explain how your computer help you (Eg. find information for homework/ play computer games to relax yourself/ chat with relatives living in other countries more convient and easy)
3. Conculde.
*Please try your best :D don't just copy and paste :P*


My computer is my teacher and friend. It is black and red in coloured. It helps me a lot with homework and recreation.

It is a convient way to search information on internet. In my spare time, I play computer games to relax myself from busy school life. Also, I chat with my relatives who live far away from me on internet.

I like my computer because it is helpful and playful.

Hope you can enjoy writing soon. :-)

2014-04-12 16:56:31 補充:
*chat with relatives living in other countries in a more convenient and easy way

:P i am sorry
參考: Myself :P
2014-04-07 1:49 am
wing in u know ? u shd be able to write it yrself to improge writing skills
dunt always rely on others when u arevprokoted to higer forms
we may not be able to help u
bit i cam help rite now
My computer

I love my computer so much !It helps me searching information for homeworkband projects .When i want some entettainment ,it can also help me by opening fantastic computer games . also, i can have social chats withvmy fds with my dear computer!Oh,i love my computer ,i will always love it !
2014-04-07 12:51 am

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