



What's one and a half people for six-minutes Powerpoint? A:5個人要有五種不同的答案?? 要六分鐘


●跪求大師ppt:前提以下文句翻譯: 1.各位敬愛的師長及同學們:大家午安,大家好 2.我們這組要報告的是:關於問題的想法回答,敬請指教 3.首先,我們要報告的是: 規則為什麼重要??? 4.第二個,我們要報告的是: 如果不遵守交通規則,會發生什麼事??? 5.第三個,我們要報告的是: 在台灣有那些重要的規則??? 6.報告完畢,感謝師長及同學們聆聽,祝福各位有美好的一天


5人---要6分鐘的英文內容(powerpoint) -Rules 1. Why are rules important? 規則為什麼重要? 2. If you don't follow rules, what will happen? 如果不遵守規則會發生什麼事? 3. What are some of the important rules in Taiwan? 在臺灣有哪些重要的規則? ※懇求大大,急需ㄧ拜託..... 5個人要有5種不同答案,意思相近也可,不限字數


敬愛的'I Am Nothing At All:一定ˋ能幫上忙的 每次您的譯文,及文章,對我賦予很大的幫助 真的十分感激,感謝

回答 (8)

2014-04-07 8:35 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. Hi! All my dear teachers and classmates. Best wishes for a nice afternoon.


2. As for the report of our group is about the thoughts; answer and
the problems as below. Kindly give us your advice, please!

3.首先,我們要報告的是: 規則為什麼重要???

3. First of all, we're going to report about what the importance
points for the rules are.


The second, the consists of our report are


What used to happen in case that anybody didn't obey to traffic


5. As for the third part, we would like to report is,


What are the major important rules in Taiwan???


6. The reports are finished.

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

My dear respected teachers and school mares, wish you all have a
nice day.


2014-04-07 02:15:42 補充:
Dear 小光 ,

您好! 「5個人要有五種不同的答案??」是否表示每人想一條?

2014-04-07 02:19:17 補充:
1. Why are rules important? 規則為什麼重要?

The rules are very important for setting our life in a regular way , because everything will be under control and have the rules to follow.

2. If you don't follow rules, what will happen? 如果不遵守規則會發生什麼事?

2014-04-07 02:22:47 補充:
In case that there were anybody didn't obey to traffic rules, it might course of traffic accident and hurt to the others.

p.S. 最後一題答案,明天抽空替您想想好不?

2014-04-07 16:00:36 補充:
3. What are some of the important rules in Taiwan?

There are some the important rules in Taiwan as below,

1. take the law into one's hand 濫用私刑

2. forbids stealing 盜竊罰

3. Indecent assault 非禮罪

4.The crime of robbery 搶劫罪

5. spit in crime 隨地吐啖

6. fraud欺騙罪

7. The crime of piracy 盜版

2014-04-07 16:07:27 補充:

There are some of the important rules in Taiwan as below,

7. The crime of piracy 盜版罪

2014-04-07 16:21:12 補充:
Dear Master Chen,

大家都過譽了, 在下不才需要學習的路,還漫長著哦!

可是感恩有您們的支持, 病榻中倍感溫暖! ^_^
參考: Yoyo
2014-04-07 3:44 pm
yoyo 小姐 是當下網友贊賞人之一
才貌雙全 知識豐富
書文解字 清楚暢通
樂於助人 有問必答

如 知識長 知足常樂 等等 敬佩之
2014-04-07 12:41 pm
My replies are as follows:
Regarding rules;
(1) Why are rules important?
It is because the majority of people are naughty and don't obey any regulation and the result will cause confusions and social unrest.
(2) If you don't follow rules, what will happen?
Of cause, there will be traffic jams or accidents as far as traffic being concerned.
(3) What are some of the important rules in Taiwan?
In my opinion, the rules ; laws of national security against traitors and betrayers; traffic regulations; laws of anti-illegal organizations.
(1) Why do people like adventure?
For they like to see and capture the most exciting and memorable scenes or facts.
(2) Have you ever gone any adventure?
Yes, I had had a tour to discover the parasitic wasps on citrus' scale insects as being carried out by my Professor Dr. J.L. Gressit, an emtomologist. During the period, I had been to Amoy and Fu Chow in Fukien Province and then via the straits of Formosa to Si Lam in Taipei and Ali Shan in Chiayi Municipality.
(3) Do you have any adventure plan?
No, not at the moment. For it is not suitable for my old age and would be better to do something good for others and me by using internet
參考: Myself
2014-04-07 12:34 pm

1. Why are rules important? 規則為什麼重要?
2. If you don't follow rules, what will happen? 如果不遵守規則會發生什麼事?
3. What are some of the important rules in Taiwan? 在臺灣有哪些重要的規則?

2014-04-07 02:20:25 補充:

2014-04-07 02:24:55 補充:
感謝yoyo 無盡無悔的付出

2014-04-07 09:18:36 補充:
You can say that again.
I agree with your opinion.
2014-04-07 2:42 am
1. If there are no rules in our world, we can do whatever we want to do. However,
this can also bring conflicts, accidents, and wars to this world. For instance,
2. In my opinion, if we do not follow traffic lights while driving cars, we might have
accidents with other people. (在這種論說文裡, " In my opinion, ... " 很好用~可以
加字數, 也能趁機做個小喘息, 我自己是這樣覺得啦!)
3. In Taiwan, following traffic lights and gender equality are important. (覺得可以

1. This is because they can broaden their horizons when they know more about local cultures. A friend of mine once went to Akihabara in Japan because Akihabara is known for its animation culture. However, when she got there, she found out that there wasn't only about comics or CDs. There are many stores that sell computers, software, and digital cameras.
2. ((抱歉我還真沒有去哪裡探險的經驗, 到全聯探索各種民生用品算嗎...?
3. I hope that I can go to China one day. People in China speak the same language as we do. I wonder what the differences are between Chinese and Taiwanese people.I have seen a lot of news that describes Chinese people as being rude and impolite, and always shouting at each other. Most people I know in Taiwan are friendly. However, I still want to visit China with my eyes.

文法可能有些地方有問題, 不好意思!
第1題我沒辦法給太多回答, 也不好意思!
就給您做個參考 :)
參考: 自己
2014-04-07 1:02 am
1.5人 : skilful man could do nothing without complete

1-1 a conservative policy ;
2-1 to restore to the original shape and appearance ;
3-1 to keep the pot boiling ;
4-1 to knowledge more than unknown ;
5-1 never ;
6-1 no, there's no fool like an old man .......it's me
2014-04-07 12:25 am
What's one and a half people for six-minutes Powerpoint?
(1)Its for us to obey,observe.
To play games we must observe all rules and regulations.
(2)If breaking,no civilized life.
Without unwritten rules, civilized life would be impossible
(3)In TW,the majority political party rules.
Constitution laws rule.
Rule of Laws when all members of society,including ruler,president accepts.
Communist political can't rule.
Military ruler can't rule.
(1)They like exciting or dangerous experience in journey
(2)It should be (ever gone already for=gone away for;)
Been travelling in N.Korea.
When you are a child, life is one big adventure.
(3)Travelling in China for Buz. or risks.

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