
2014-04-06 2:14 am
讀完個Professional Diploma of Businss (Marketing) 之後諗梗搵下有冇其他學院繼續升上去,但唔清楚能力上支唔支持到, 咁岩見到個升學網站
想請問下 香港萊佛士 尼間野好唔好既呢? 認受性大唔大, 讀完個出路會係點呢? 希望有過來人可以分享下.

回答 (1)

2014-04-16 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Australian Government Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
Provider Legal Entity Name : Raffles College Pty Ltd
Website :
Course Name Provider Name Current Conditions Status Associate Degree of Commerce Raffles College Pty Ltd Accreditation ongoing pending renewal Associate Degree of Design Raffles College Pty Ltd Accreditation ongoing pending renewal
email : [email protected]


Yes, it’s truth.
Kind Regards,
Ivy Guo
Admissions/Marketing Coordinator
Ms Edu (UTS) Msc E-Com (UOS, UK)Description: Inline images 1
Raffles College of Design and Commerce |
99 Mount Street, North Sydney. NSW 2060. AUSTRALIA | CRICOS provider number 02761J
T: +612 9922 4278| F: +612 9922 7862 | E: [email protected]
Skype: rcdcivyguo ....

New Vocational Courses Available in 2014!
Diploma of Applied Fashion Design & Technology – Diploma of Screen & Media - Diploma of Interactive Digital Media – Diploma of Management – Advanced Diploma of Management
Sent: Tuesday, 15 April 2014 3:12 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: about College Pty Ltd
about :
At Hong Kong Raffles School of Continuing Education,
all our degree qualifications are awarded by Raffles College Pty Ltd,
trading as Raffles College of Design and Commerce (RCDC),
It this true ?

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