I got offer from UCL KCL and University of Edinburgh studying life sciences
Please tell me in terms of the follwing, thank you
1) life sciences(Medicine and Biochemistry)實力
2) Library(因為我係自修達人)藏書量及裏面氛圍
3) 多唔多中國人(Dont really want to speak to much chinese)
4) 環境社區以及culture
And please make a conclusion which one I should choose. Thannk you
以下are some of my意見s:
啲人話UCL is strong in econ rather that 科學,科學Edin 強a bit,但 I am not sure.
But the overall ranking for UCL is a bit attracttive.所以好straggle.
However, 3間都在所有ranking排前50.其實係咪已經無分別(論reputation and 實力)?