





Use ideas from people/live under the sea people/enough food to eat scientists/find a cure for AIDS researchers/find alternative fuels people/travel to Mars wars/end to write a paragraph about the future. For ex.:In the next twenty-five years . . .


https://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1614040602336&mode=w&from=question&recommend=0&.crumb=X0ztwj2NqLP ●跪求大師:協助回答*6題*簡易題目--ppt(急需)


okay 已經相當完好,完美無瑕

回答 (3)

2014-04-07 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.What may happen in the future ?

People always worry about what will happen in the unknown future?

For example, if were living under the sea, would people have enough food to

What should we do if the end of the world would be coming more and more
nearby? Supposing that there will be a lot of pregnant women to give birth with a baby every day, yet, the earth isn't getting in bigger.

Perhaps, we should value not only our limited food resources, our parents and
friends, but also everything surrounding us. So that we can keep our earth to be healthy and make our life in a lesser regret way.

I do wish the scientists could find a good way to cure for AIDS, and the researchers could find the alternative fuels more.

Actually, there are still many ways and method that we can do to rescue our
earth and to lower the harm to the nature resources.

When there is a dream, there will be a hope!Let's try our best to protect our
living environment.


2014-04-06 20:39:13 補充:
Dear 小光,如有任何需要增加的內容, 請告我我可以修改。=.=

2014-04-06 21:02:44 補充:
修改, Sorry!

1. For example, if we were living under the sea, would people have enough food to eat?

2. So that we can help to keep our earth to be healthy and make our life in a lesser regret way.

2014-04-06 21:22:11 補充:

1.What may happen in the future ?


People always worry about what will happen in the unknown future?


For example, if we were living under the sea, would people have enough food to eat?


2014-04-06 21:23:30 補充:
What should we do if the end of the world would be coming more and more nearby? Supposing that there will be a lot of pregnant women to give birth with a baby every day, yet, the earth isn't getting in bigger.


如果每天都有很多的孕婦生小孩, 然而地球並沒有增大了。

2014-04-06 21:26:36 補充:

2014-04-06 21:27:04 補充:
Perhaps, we should value not only our limited food resources, our parents and friends, but also everything surrounding us,


so that we can help to keep our earth to be healthy and make our life in a lesser regret way.

因此,我們可以為維護地球的健康而加以援助,從而減少我們生活上的遺憾 。

2014-04-06 21:35:48 補充:
I do wish the scientists could find a good way to cure for AIDS, and the researchers could find the alternative fuels more, so that we can help to keep our earth to be healthy and make our life in a lesser regret way.


2014-04-06 21:36:26 補充:
When there is a dream, there will be a hope!Let's try our best to protect our living environment.

當有一個夢想, 便會有希望! 讓我們盡己所能去保護我們的生態環境吧。

2014-04-06 21:42:44 補充:
參考: Yoyo
2014-04-07 12:42 am
people/enough food to eat
it provens pepople to live well, people are healthy and things
are plenty, the masses live in peace and the country is prosperous,
the public moral is high.
2014-04-06 10:58 pm


例如你選了第一個:people/live under the sea

In the next twenty-five years, due to the technology advancement, people can live under the sea.



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