How can I find out how many points are on my license for free?

2014-04-04 3:12 pm
I know you can go to the DMV but they charge a fee.

回答 (3)

2014-04-04 5:58 pm
Since only the DMV maintains those records, that is pretty much your only option. The DMV does nothing for free.
2014-04-04 4:42 pm
Since it's your record, you have a right to see it under the freedom of information act. Go into the DMV and ask. They do have the right to ask you to pay a copy charge if you want a hard copy of the information of course.
2014-04-04 3:21 pm
In NY State they USE to have a separate piece of paper saying how many points you had that you could SEE. Now they have information embedded in your license so besides paying for it....if you're NICE to a cop < wink-wink> and he's writing a report he MIGHT take your license and tell you exactly what's on it...point can drive to the police station and plead ignorant and ask THEM how many points are on your license. The clerk MIGHT say "I'm not suppose to do this but...." and punch up your license and give you the information you want....or they'll simply tell you "Go to the DMV", It won't hurt to ask....the worst anyone can say is " We can't give you that information". Good luck. ( Those are mere guesses....I guess they charge for everything now days. MIGHT be able to ask your insurance company....they might know as they're the one's insuring you to drive. You can always call and ask.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:27:30
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