以下英文要點寫 麻煩幫忙一下

2014-04-03 6:14 am

我想講 (你email附圖的物品都可以跟我交換,由你從其中選擇價值相約跟我的交換。因為我不知道你的物品價值多少,建議由你決定。)


回答 (3)

2014-04-03 4:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
These words all mean to say something yet to "swap" in one sentence:-
Re:-You can swap with me on the email photos of objects from which you choose its value similar in exchange as I don't know how much your proper value will be declared !
2014-04-03 4:15 pm
In regards to your recent email together with the attached image in which you would like to exchange with my goods provided both of them are supposed to be nearly the same price. Though I don't know the price of your goods for exchange yet it would be up to your decision.
參考: Partly according to ” The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation ” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-04-03 12:01 pm
You can exchange the item as attached in the email with me. The price of the item should be within thesame pricing range with mine, and the final decision is yours. As I don’t know the value of the item, thatis the reason why I let you call the shot.

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