
2014-04-03 1:20 am
I have swept the floor of my house. I used a broom to sweep the floor.

Mary used her computer to do her project yesterday.


回答 (6)

2014-04-05 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have swept the floor of my house. I used a broom to sweep the floor.

這兩句子獨立分開地說, 文法是無錯.
第一句是Present perfect tense (現在完成式), 接著句子用 Past simple tense
Jenkin, 什麼是 “現在現成式” ?
英文沒有規定用 past tense 時, 必定有言及過去時間的字眼在那句子, (e.g. yesterday, last week…),許多時, 可能前文已經交待了.

Mary used her computer to do her project yesterday. ~ 無錯

Sorry, Wing 我借用 space to make some comments.

I have used a broom to swept the floor of my house. ~ 錯
I have used a broom to sweep the floor of my house.

“swept” ~ past tense, past participle
“to” 如果是用作 infinitive marker, to 後面不能加 past tense or past participle, 應用 bare infinitive.
“to” 如果是用作 preposition, 可加 present participle (to + verb-ing)

Jenkin 另外的一句, 我認為都是錯, 只不過錯得沒有那麼明顯.
I have swept the floor of my house using a broom.
“using a broom” 是 present participle phrase, describing …?

I have seen the boy stealing an apple.
stealing an apple 是 present participle phrase
你認為應該是言及 “I” 還是 “boy”?

我認為應該是言及最近的 noun (or noun phrase)
句子我會 rephrase:

Using a broom, I have swept the floor of my house.

2014-04-07 00:53:42 補充:
如果句子強調 "我剛掃完了家的地板"

I have just finished sweeping the floor of my [house, flat or apartment].

2014-04-09 05:05:30 補充:
作為一個回答者, 有自由自己喜歡怎樣回答
不過最尷尬是將發問者對的當做錯, 並且解釋到似是而非,
有知識長以前提到, 最弊是發問者將錯的當做對, 因無人指正,
這對發問者是不公平, 雖然是無心之失, 教錯人總是不好.
Constructive criticism 是好的, 我想 Yahoo 知識網目的是分享知識
2014-04-12 5:35 pm
Regarding the grammatical problems of the following two sentences:
(1) I have swept the floor of my house, I used a broom to sweep the floor.
Amendment: I swept the floor of my house with a broom yesterday.
(2) Mary used her computer to do her project yesterday.
Absolutely correct.
參考: Myself
2014-04-10 6:19 am


I have swept the floor of my house using a broom.
I have used a broom to swept the floor of my house.
2014-04-03 2:01 am


I have swept the floor of my house using a broom.
I have used a broom to swept the floor of my house.
2014-04-03 1:44 am
第一題:個swept字係解昨天、前天,還是上星期呢?冇加時間。Careless mistake!
2014-04-03 1:26 am

I swept the floor of my house.

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