computer display card disabled

2014-04-02 8:48 pm
When I try to use the intergrated VGA, I disable the displaycard and shut down my computer. Then I unplug the VGA port from display card to plug in to my intergrated VGA. After I restart the computer, there is no display and I try to plug the VGA back to the display card and also no display(disabled), then I uninstall the video card from my computer and it cannot start whenI turn on the machine.So how can I do to let the monitor show display again? Thanks.

回答 (2)

2014-04-03 2:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Don't panic. Just follow the steps here and you'll be right.

1. Go into your motherboard BIOS usually by holding the Del key down on start up. Let go when a blue screen with white numbers and letters pop up.

2. Now use the arrow keys to navigate. DO NOT change anything but search each tab for words such as on board display.

3. When found use the down arrow key to highlight the selection then press enter key for set up. In the next pop up, press the Page Up or Page Down key to activate the on board display card.

4. When finished, Press F-10 key to quit but ENSURE you save the change before closing the BIOS window.

5. BIOS should restart your computer and screen will come up as normal.

6. Should you decide to roll back to your PCI display card, reinstall and reload the driver if needed. But Windows should be able to load a generic driver to restart it until you modify or upgrade. Don't forget to deactivate the on board display when you change back to your PCI display card. You must set up to activate one only, not both.

Note: Depending on the model and make of your motherboard, some of the keyboards controls or BIOS terminologies might be different. However, manufacturers always have on screen instructions to show you how to navigate and change settings in your BIOS.

Read the instructions before you start navigating. DO NOT change anything else other than on board display activation.

On board display only provides basic performance. A lot of times we use it as a back up when the PCI card fails. If you don't like it, just reverse the above procedure to go back to PCI.

參考: My PC know how
2014-04-02 9:22 pm
插顯示卡無需停用,先拔出顯示,將bios 電池取出,待一個鐘重插電池開機,應有顯示,再試你的顯示卡有沒問題。

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:05:41
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