how to win the lottery?

2014-04-02 2:20 am
weird question I know ..yet I'm wondering is there a special way to win the lottery like the mega or powerball lotto?

it would be nice if I won I'd be a lot nore happy than I am now because now I'm faced with tons of bills and no real money to repay them..

money does help and it does make a person happier.. I'm just wondering if there is a way to win the lottery..I'm in peensylvania it seems so tough to win anything here and they added more numbers to the mega or porweball thing..
is there a way to win the lottery..?

回答 (5)

2014-04-02 11:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Have you noticed how very many big lottery winners say that they got their win by using a quick pick (lucky dip). Maybe there's nothing really to it, but quick picks definitely do seem to be more lucky. To try and take advantage of this, I have a little just-for-fun page which generates my own personal quick pick numbers. As I say, it is only for fun, but it might work - you just never know your luck! Look out for VillaLibra Lucky Numbers if you want to see if you can locate it yourself.
2014-04-02 7:08 pm
"it would be nice if I won I'd be a lot nore happy than I am now".

Don't bet on it ( intentional pun ). You might be ecstatic at first but money doesn't buy long term happiness.
2014-04-02 2:37 pm
Money doesn't buy happiness. Once your bills are gone you will discover new problems in life.

Poor and middle income people are generally happier than the rich.

There are plenty of horror stories about lottery winners.
here is but one article
2014-04-02 8:23 am
The lottery is a TAX on the poor and on the ignorant. For every dollar the lottery collects, it only pays out about 50 cents to winning tickets. At a 50% payback rate, no other standard form of gambling comes even close to being as bad a bet as the lottery.

What about jackpots? Here's the truth: You could spend $50 per week for the next 70 years of your life, and you still would have, by any practical measure, ZERO chance of hitting any sort of lottery jackpot.

I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but I promise you it's the truth nonetheless. If you need money, then the last thing you should be wasting it on is lottery tickets.
2014-04-02 4:19 am
Sure, but I can't just tell everyone on the internet for free.

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