
2014-04-01 6:00 pm









回答 (2)

2014-04-01 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)This are passenger lifts, cargo lifts are over there. Cargo lifts are used for bulky items, if you’re just carrying light items, you may use the passenger lift.
2)To change from small room to large room, just pay the price difference. If you change from large room to small room, we just transfer the payment to cover the cost and offset(refund) any difference.3)我建議你買保險。
3) I(We) suggest you get insured. [假如對象程度再底一點可直說buy insurance.]4)這些手推車和梯子都可以借用
4) These trolleys and ladders may be borrowed. 或You may lend these trolleys and ladders
5) The process/procedure is completed.
6) We will refund the 15 days remainder of the rent. [不單是講計算-直接講退款更清楚]
7) We don’t have the detail about the other stores. You may call our Headquarters to ask about.
8) Please notify us 7 days in advance for termination (of the rental). The deposit will be send to you in cheque within 1 month.
2014-04-01 10:15 pm
1) This is the passenger lift and the cargo lift is there. The cargo lift is specially used for moving bulky items. So the passenger lift will be enough if you are just carrying something small around.

2) You could switch to a large room by paying the price difference, if you feel the small room is too small.

In case you want to switch to a large room, we could arrange your initial payment for the small room to be payable for the large room. What you need to do is just paying the price difference.

3) I would advise you buy insurance.

4) These trolleys and ladders are available for borrowing.

5) The procedure is done.

6) We would calculate the amount of your rent for the remaining 15 days.

7) I am sorry that we are not clear about the matters of the other branches. You may consider calling our head office for enquiries.

8) Please notify us at least seven days in advance of the day you check out. The deposit will be returned to you in the form of a cheque within one month.

2014-04-01 14:18:52 補充:

照道理應該是「細房轉大房」,所以我是譯了「細房轉大房」的。如果是「大房轉細房」:In case you want to switch to a small room, we could arrange your initial payment for the large room to be payable for the small room. What you need to do is just paying the price difference.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:31:17
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