How do I tell my ex that I found someone else...?

2014-04-01 12:09 am
Me and my boyfriend have been going out for 4 months. Through this, we were perfect for each other. We would always go out or spend time time together. Apart from that, He cared for me and supported me in all the times I needed someone. He would tell me I'm beautiful, no matter how much of a mess I looked. And most importantly, he made me feel special; like I was some kind of girl that made him happy. All in all, we both knew we had something right in our relationship. A few weeks ago, I was heading out of the spa to Starbucks. Then I notice my boyfriend at a table talking to a girl. They didn't know I was there so I tried not to interrupt their little chat. But I grew kind of suspicious when 'this girl' was flirting with him and so was he. Though I thought they were friends so I let them be. The next day, I see her again at his locker and they were doing the same thing as before. Later on, my boyfriend brings me to the corner and says we weren't meant to be (even though we were fine!) He was hinting a little bit about 'finding someone else' so I had assumed he meant that girl. I was horrified and I couldn't help but be upset since I thought we were close. I told my guy friend all of what was happening and surprisingly made me feel better. He then admitted that he liked me ever since we met and hoped we could date. From that day on, we just flirted and I wanted to be with him. And coincidently, my ex comes running back for me! He had apologized and tried winning me back.

He was crazy desperate to get me back and admitted that he made the wrong mistake, just because he thought she was prettier :\ but I've already grown close to my current boyfriend and I don't want to leave him hanging like that. The problem is, I don't want my ex to be raged out or anything because he's a little bit aggressive and can start fighting with my boyfriend. But I don't know how to tell him without getting mad.What do I do?

回答 (4)

2014-04-01 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Example Below:

"We had great times together, sometimes I miss those times. But recently I've made better times with someone else. Hopefully we can still be friends" -xoxo Katie

via text message.

The fact that he broke up with you for someone prettier is so vain.
You could send it on friday after school that way he has the weekend to calm down and accept it.
although, I think you shouldn't do him any favors. Just so you know, guys hardly ever tell the "break up" story exactly how it happened.
2014-04-01 7:13 am
Straight out is the best.Tell him you have someone else and leave it at that.You can either say you are seeing someone else of you have a new boyfriend.Its your choice.Make sure he realises he cant have you.Thats the point of it all.
2014-04-01 7:13 am
Just tell him that you don't care for him that way any longer and have someone new in your life who treats you better. He's your ex and he's the one that dropped you, so you have every right just to be frank with him.
2014-04-01 7:12 am
Tell him that you've moved on. You found someone else just as he did when he was with that other girl. Don't take him back if you have someone new.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:10:25
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