s,l and aq

2014-03-30 7:49 pm
what mean by this ?

回答 (4)

2014-04-01 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
s is solid,like S,C,Mg,Ag,Fe,Pb,Na,Ca,Mn,K........

l is liquid ,example like H2O,O2,H2,F2,CO2,N2

aq is aqueous solution,example like HCL,AgSo4,CACO3,AgNO3
2014-04-05 4:31 pm
s :solid
usually higher in concentration then l (anhydrous)

l :liquid
usually higher in concentration then aq (H2SO4(l) can release white fumes). Highly corrosive and acidic

aq : aqeous solution
Diluted with large amount of water

2014-04-05 08:32:03 補充:
參考: AL Chem Do it by Myself
2014-03-30 11:10 pm
there are some chemical equation

s= Soild (Ag Ca Mg ....)

l=liquid (H2O)

aq=aqueous solution (HCl H2SO4....)

g= gas ( O2 CO2)

some example there::
1. 2 AgO(s)------->2Ag(s)+O2(g)
2. 2ZnO(s)+2C(s)------>2Zn(s)+CO2(g)
2014-03-30 8:11 pm
Those are symbols used in chemical equations.

s means solid
l means liquid
aq means aqueous solution

and g means gas.

like :

CaCO₃(s) + 2HCl(l) → CaCl₂(aq) + H₂O(l) + CO₂(g)

2014-03-30 12:12:27 補充:
Sorry, It should be :

CaCO₃(s) + 2HCl(aq) → CaCl₂(aq) + H₂O(l) + CO₂(g)

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