英文noun clause 問題

2014-03-30 4:42 pm
1.They said where they lived
2.They said they were very upset
有人說第一句是錯的,但第二句是對的。第一句應改成 they said where to live.究竟是不是和點解?

回答 (3)

2014-03-30 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案

They said 後面是用 phrase 或者 clause,而 where they lived 正正就是一個 wh clause,所以是沒錯的,類似的 wh clause 還有 who they were 等。

第二句的其實是個 that clause,只是很多時候 that 會被省略 (因為太多 that 會讀起來很不順,但有 that 的話會清楚很多),這兒實際是:
They said (that) they were very upset.

改成 where to live 文法是對,因為它是個 clause,但意思上不同了:
where they lived 正在哪裡住
where to live 要在哪裡住
2014-03-31 2:45 pm
They said where they lived.

在文法上, 是無錯.
Format:~ subject + transitive verb + object
They ~ subject
said ~ transitive verb (past tense)
“where they lived” ~ noun clause, the object of “said”

但聽起來, 覺得怪怪地
這是英語 usage, 問題是有沒有 English-speaking people 這樣講?

相反地, negative statement 完全 OK
They did not say where they lived.

They told us where they lived.
They let us know where they lived.

"where they lived" 在句中, 不是 question

第一句如果改成 They said where to live 是完全錯
where to live = 住在哪裡 (是 question)

They said, 'Where to live?' ~ direct speech
They asked us where to live. ~ reporting structure

2014-03-30 5:46 pm
A Noun Clause is one which does the work of a noun. It may be:-
(1)The object of a verb,eg:-
They said (that)where they lived were being track down !
They said that where to live was dangerous.
(2)An object clause,eg:-
They said (that) where to live had been tracked !
They said where to live was questioned.
Tell them (where they lived)=subordinate noun clause; object of "Tell"
(3)The subject of a verb,eg:-
Where to live seemed very hard.
That they will live is unlikely.
Where to live were their next saying/remark.
Where to live is a subject of a verb.
(4=2) They said(that)they were upsetted to received 5 marks to stop me responded any more !

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