What can I carry for self defence (UK)?

2014-03-30 12:52 am
Recently my friend and I were followed by a group of young men who kept pestering us to let them use our phones, give them a cigarette, tell them the time; all the usual pathetic things that people ask for when you know they aren't genuine. Anyway, we were trying our hardest to get away from them, but they were practically stalking us, and then when nobody else was around one of them punched me and then began on my friend and tried to grab their personal belongings. Fortunately, I was able to defend myself using the shopping bag that I was carrying, which resulted in the young men fleeing the scene. This has left me wondering what would have happened if I wasn't carrying that bag; I would not stand a chance if it was down to just my body strength to protect me. So, this has made me question whether there is anything that I can legally carry on me for self defence purposes, e.g. one of those things that make a shrill sound when you pull the nut out of the top? What is the position on pepper spray in the UK? American shows are always going on about it... Or could you, for example, carry a tub of ground pepper and pumf it at someone if they started attacking you? I want to make sure to never be unprepared.

This all happened in the middle of the day in a public place by the way and the culprits were taken into custody.

回答 (8)

2014-03-30 8:49 am
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I would learn self defence. Size does not matter. People like that who followed you are cowards and most would not stand their ground when you respond, as you proved. However it does not make your situation any less scary for you.
I would carry a small Hair Spray or Under Arm Deodorant Spray - you can tell the police you use it as its intended - for you personal hygiene etc - when in fact you carry it for self defence. Spray this in the face, eyes, mouth etc of the attacker. Once they are intimidating you (or you personally feel threatened) you can use this spray.
I dont know why all women or men for that matter dont carry this.It is as effective as Pepper Spray. You can buy the tiny size which fits in your hand.
remember - in most cases you want to do whats called - "A BREAK AWAY" - that is you want time to run away for help. Overpowering and beating up the attacker is NOT your intended action. Because most people would be overpowered themselves. Unless specially trained.
I have boxing and self defence experience and training. I have used self defence on many occasions. The best way is to talk and hand over the money if thats what they want and hope they go away. But you will know if they are intent on harming you. So have the spray ready - this will give you a few minutes head start for running to safety.
You can also use your car keys - a pen - a rolled up magazine to stab action in the face or wherever you can. If you are grabbed dont push them away - PULL them towards you hard and fast - they do not expect that. It is natural to push NOT pull. Then step to one side and continue to pull them past you HARD then let go. practice this with a friend.
We are not talking about overpowering and winning - we are talking about quick escape - break away so that you can run to safety.. make a phone call etc.
Aikido is good as is Wing Chun.
2014-03-30 3:06 am
Carrying anything with the intention of using it to harm another is illegal in the UK: it is possession of an offensive weapon (an offensive weapon being anything made, modified, *or intended* for the purpose of causing harm to another). You can carry alarms an such like, which just make a loud noise, but things you plan to hit people with or throw at them are out. Pepper spray is illegal in the UK.
2014-03-30 1:52 pm
No you can't carry anything you intend to use as a weapon, 'just in case you need it' and so pepper spray is illegal to have in the Uk........ you have a mobile use it, the UK has a police force who protects people and the UK is not America where every man and his dog are running around with 'weapons' of one sort or another and where because of that it is far less safer than the UK.........
2014-03-30 3:05 pm
As others have said, it's illegal to carry anything intended for use as a weapon. There are everyday items which can be used as improvised weapons; for example, a bunch of keys is incredibly painfully if jammed forcefully into someone's face. For more ideas, join a self-defence class.
2016-12-24 5:39 pm
參考: Home Defence Course http://netint.info/UltimateSelfDefenseGuide
2016-05-18 9:53 am
nothing, even though u r trained with martial arts, u ll still be charged with assault or murder, the judge will ask" did u tell jim u r trained with martial arts?" if u answered no, u r guilty, sorry but thats how british laws work, criminals first
2014-08-11 1:37 am
I couldn't afford a self defence course so I decided to learn some tecniques and moves from the internet. This a good system I bought http://www.downloadita.it/r/rd.asp?gid=423
2014-03-31 7:47 pm
Carrying a weapon for self defence is both illegal and stupid as it proves intent!
So when and you will be taken to court you have no defence what so ever1
Is America such a safe country because every red neck and his sister is a gun totting person?
It's so safe hundreds of people are killed each year because of guns!
God bless the second amendment as the population will soon be very much thinned out !

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