Translate this Hindi passage for me pls?

2014-03-29 6:49 am
wo kitna mehrbaan tha k

hazaron gum de gya ............


hum kitne khud garj nikle ....

kuch na de ske use siwa pyar k

回答 (2)

2014-03-29 12:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
wo kitna mehrbaan tha k =How merciful/gracious he was (that he)
hazaron gham de gya = left me with thousands of sorrows
So the whole sentence means " How merciful he was that he left me with thousands of sorrows."
hum kitne khud garj nikle= How selfish we were found out to be
But here although "hum" is plural (we), more than likely it is used to mean "I".
So the meaning will be = How selfish I was found out to be
kuch na de ske use siwa pyar k = could not give him/her anything except love
2014-03-29 6:32 pm
Headbanger, it's not in Hindi but in Urdu. Urdu is Arabification of sanskritized Hindi. It's spoken by Indian and Pakistani muslims.

This passage means,

How 'merciful' (this word has been used here sarcastically) he was that

he went away giving me thousands of miseries


how 'ungrateful' (used here sarcastically) I was

that I couldn't give him anything except love

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