Question about HIV AIDS?

2014-03-29 5:50 am
So i am reading an article about HIV/AIDS right now.

It says that people who get infected by AIDS doesn't show any symptoms right away. It can be for 3 months - 1 year or even a decade. A lab test result may show negative HIV. Now i am curious... What will happen if someone have a sex with the one during that period? With someone who have a negative HIV test result but might actually develop HIV later.. Will he/she still get infected too?

So if that's the case... I think suddenly maybe in 10 years from now it will have an outburst percentage of people with HIV...

ok... still not answered... let say a 1 week infected girls with a negative test result because it still not detectable then have a sex with a guy without protection. Will the guy also get infected?

回答 (5)

2014-03-29 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
You got few things mixed up.

You get infected with HIV. HIV is type of virus called Human Immunodeficiency Virus. (hence the name HIV) This infection can be detected anywhere from few months to a year depending on person. This delay exists because most tests do not test for the virus itself. The test detects anti-body created by person's body. It takes a while for individual's body to create enough anti-body to be detectable. Once someone is infected, he/she can pass it on the very same day.

Once someone gets HIV, he or she can develop an illness called AIDS. Having HIV doesn't always end in AIDS. It is possible for someone to have an HIV infection but never develop AIDS. So, you are correct, in many years later, we *could* have an outbreak of people infected with AIDS.

In fact, this is happening in some African countries where as many as 20% of population is suspected to be infected by HIV, and many are starting to show symptoms.
2014-03-30 10:40 pm
yes it can spread in your case. cheak results every month
2014-03-29 4:52 pm
Yes, about the hypothetical: The HIV can be and is spread BEFORE the virus is detected. Before any symptoms appear. Which is why TESTING is so important. Testing will show positive results in someone who has HIV, years before symptoms appear to alert the person they are infected.

About us having an epidemic: We have.
It is thought that the epidemic is less then when first discovered and named.
Preventing the spread is safe sex practices. Ignore them at your peril and those you have sex with in the future.

So much less education about the danger lulls people into complacency. And when young, people are riskier and feel immune to problems. So, some high-risk behavior can spread the infection, there are ways to minimize that risk. So, they say have SAFEr sex.
2014-03-29 1:38 pm
tk is right, the lid will pop off one day and a lot of people will be very sick with HIV.
Most people in other countries do not have the medication and education that we
in the USA have. Young people are being infected daily because they have relations with someone who does not even know they have it yet. Protect your
self as much as possible.
2014-03-29 12:54 pm
That is why one should always use protection.

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