[ 手機網絡 ] (急) 漫遊數據問題

2014-03-29 4:52 am
我想知道我去左韓國冇開流動數據,因為係個邊有租WIFI蛋,一直用wifi上網,咁仲有咩原因佢會錄得我用左數據。我D apps自動更新都係set左經wifi的。



回答 (4)

2014-03-29 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
2014-03-29 9:11 pm
If my guess is right, those Jpeg's look like an Android system. I am using my non-Samsung Android smart phone as an example. It's running Android version 4.2.1.Depending on the smart phone manufacturer, some of the following settings might be slightly different but you can hunt around and should work something out next time before you go abroad to eliminate this potential problem. > Settings. > SIM management. > Roaming.> Data roaming. In here you should see your active SIM. Tapping it will open up two selections. (a) OK means to activate roaming (fees applicable on usage).
(b) Cancel means inactivation.

If the current choice is activation, the active SIM should have a tick on the right even before you tap to open the selections. A general rule of thumb is to have this inactivated (no tick) unless you absolutely need it when overseas. Don't forget to turn it off straight after you use it.

3. Now tap the return key to go back to Data roaming. You might see Show roaming reminder underneath. If you do, tap it then select Always on the list. This will pop up a warning when the call you make overseas is ready to go roaming. If you then tap to agree, the phone will reverse the inactivation above automatically and let you make the call. In any case, deactivate it straight after the call.

2014-03-29 13:13:23 補充:
This is one of the basic settings smart phone users (owners) should do after they purchase the phones. There is a number of incidences where phone users refuse to pay for roaming costs and set the blame on their carriers or environmental factors.

This is arrogant and absolutely disgraceful.

2014-03-29 13:14:58 補充:
Awful negligence that no one else should be blamed except themselves.

2014-03-29 13:17:21 補充:
Owners should take the full responsibility of their accounts because it is their personal property.
參考: A Smart phone user, Further discussion (1), Further discussion (2), Further discussion (3)
2014-03-29 7:27 am
拉夫: 你唔識唔好亂答,係屋企用WIFI都有上下箭咀啦- -
本週之星: 你還沒說把機關掉- -
2014-03-29 6:48 am

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