Should I move to the Philippines?

2014-03-27 12:57 am
Hi guys,

I am a Filipino-American and almost turning 30. I am about to graduate nursing and I'm no longer happy living in America. I want to try something new. I recently inherited money of $100,000 from my father who passed away. Instead of continuing my life here, I was thinking of moving back home and opening a grocery store business in the province of Binan, Laguna. It is also where my family built a house. I want to stay in the house & open my dream biz. Why grocery store? I was working in one for numerous years while in nursing school. Nursing was never my first choice of degrees. It was my family's choice. I just wanted to major in business administration. I even created a business portfolio, and wrote down the steps I need to be doing on opening a business. I know what to do already to get things started. I will be using P2 Million capital. I am sure I can open a business with that money.

Any advice? Should I stay or move? If I move, and nothing is changing by 2 or 3 years, I plan on moving back to the U.S, but I hope not. What do you think?

回答 (5)

2014-03-28 3:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Are you a citizen of the Philippines or born of Philippine parents like I am? That will make a difference.

I am an American but parents were born in Philippines. I'm considered Phil-Am but I am not a citizen of the Philippines. I would not open a business in the Philippines. Not after what I have heard about it.

Move to the Philippines and bring all of your money with you. Open up any business you want.
You only live once. Graduate first. get your Bachelors in Nursing. It wont help you in the Philippines but you can always fall back on it in the states if your business fails.
2014-03-27 9:15 am
6 months ago you said you was going to build some apartments because your father recently died
2 months ago you asked if he could change his will (he must be alive to change his will) as he is dying.

Please tell which statement is true.

To answer your question.Yes with the $100,000 you can stay here plus open any business you would like to.
2014-03-27 1:58 pm
If business is your passion then go right on ahead. Many foreigners immigrate to the Philippines to open up a business, which is quite helpful for the economy and people of the Philippines. It creates more jobs for people who are out of work. So by doing this you will be doing the country a great favor.
2014-03-29 2:40 am
Stay in the US trust me!
2014-03-27 12:08 pm
If your Q. is legit, I would say a Resto businsess is more lucrative than a grocery store.
People has to eat you know.

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