Why is it that only Jehovah witness prayers are heard by God?

2014-03-26 7:30 pm
Are they the only people in the world? Are they better than anyone else, that they think that God only hears their prayers?
By what i know and learned, they are not even, christians. So
why would they think that God hears a sinner? We all have sinned, and have come short of the glory of God.
For there is no respect of
persons with God. ROMANS 2:11
God treats everyone the same way. God shows no Partiality.

In the day when God shall
judge the secrets of men by Je-
sus Christ according to my gos-
pel. ROMANS 2:16

Keith: I'm not misinformed. You cant judge them. By what I know I have learned from the Internet. And by other means also. Are they christians? In my opinion they are not. A person can serve God. And think they are serving God , and still not be a christian. You have to have a personel relationship with God. By asking him to come unto your heart and save you in the name of Jesus. You have to be born again. The Bible speaks of being born again. You cant just say you are christian. You have to put your trust in Jesus Christ. Only than can you have salvation. God knows your heart. Your thoughts too.

回答 (15)

2014-03-29 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Jehovah answers the prayers of sincere people and not all are Witnesses. Many times people pray to God, although they do not know his name, but truly believe in a higher power. They pray that they may get to know him. They may be depressed, suicidal or suffering emotionally from the death of a loved one. They cry out to God and he hears them. Many times, as soon as their prayer is finished, before they even utter "amen" there is a knock at their door and it is Jehovah's Witnesses wondering why they were directed to this particular house. We bring the ones who pray for help the answers they are looking for. We give them hope from the Bible and teach them about the true God, his name and all about his Kingdom. We teach them about Jehovah's precious Son Christ Jesus and the sacrifice he made by giving up his life so that all people have the opportunity to live forever.
Jehovah does indeed hear the prayers of meek and teachable ones and those whose heart is righteously inclined.

Proverbs 15:29
Darby Translation (DARBY)
Jehovah is far from the wicked; but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.
2014-03-26 7:34 pm
You have been misinformed.
2014-03-26 7:31 pm
They are more delusional. No one can be heard by a fictional character, like God.
2014-03-27 2:26 am
People are free to pray to whomever they like but Jehovah thru Jesus is the only GOD that will answer the

Some people “worship and serve what God has created instead of the Creator himself.” (Romans 1:25, Today’s English Version) Millions worship dead ancestors, believing that God is too remote to be approached. In the Hindu religion, there are many gods and goddesses. Various deities, such as Zeus and Hermes, were worshiped in the days of Jesus Christ’s apostles. (Acts 14:11, 12) Many churches of Christendom teach that God is a Trinity, consisting of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Indeed, “there are many ‘gods’ and many ‘lords,’” states the Bible. However, it adds: “There is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are.” (1 Corinthians 8:5, 6) Yes, there is only one true God. But who is he? What is he like? It is important for us to know the answers to these questions. Jesus himself said in prayer to this One: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3) There is reason to believe that our eternal welfare depends on knowing the truth about God.
2014-03-26 11:07 pm
We all are imperfect, living in an imperfect world. Jehovah is the hearer of prayers to every one who wanted to be listen by him.

(Psalm 65:2) . . .O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come.
2014-03-26 7:37 pm
False. Everyone's prayers are heard by God.
2014-03-26 7:48 pm
hi there.

my first sincere prayer was answered immediately and unmistakably.

but god does not hear jws. "Christendom" is still here after all their prayers and proclamations of annihilation upon us.
Armageddon has not arrived after all their dates they prophesied about.
2014-03-26 7:34 pm
Fireball prayed for the sun to rise this morning, and look at what happened! And she's a Methodist.
2014-03-26 7:32 pm
That's a lie. I've heard God and I'm not a J.W.
2015-05-20 11:38 pm
For correct info on JWs, go to JW.org.
2014-03-27 2:02 am
pray silently...you don't want the devil to hear you
2014-03-26 7:58 pm
Why do you assume this is true?
2014-03-26 9:32 pm
No way Jose. The armaggedon has not come and they have been harping on that since 1917.
2014-03-26 7:34 pm
If you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I'll sell you real cheap.
2014-03-27 5:21 am
Once again, no good answer from a real Jehovah's Witness. Just textual gymnastics.

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