F5 chem chemical equilibrium

2014-03-26 5:12 am
Steps plz :)

1. The equilibrium constant, Kc, for the dissociation of PCl5(g) is 0.04 mol dm-3 at 600K.
PCl5(g) <==> PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)
1 mol of PCl5(g) is allowed to dissociate to reach equilibrium in a 2 dm3 closed container.

Calculate the concentration of PCl5(g) in mol dm-3, in the equilibrium mixture at 600 K.

2. At 3000 K, the equilibrium constant for the following reaction is 1.5X10-3.
N2(g) + O2(g) <==> 2NO(g)
In an experiment, 1 mol of N2(g) and 2 mol of NO(g) are mixed in a 1 dm3 closed flask at 3000 K to reach equilibrium. Calculate the concentration of O2(g) in mol dm-3 in the equilibrium mixture.

回答 (2)

2014-03-26 5:46 am
1.  PCl₅(g) ⇄ PCl₃(g) + Cl₂(g)

Let x mole of PCl₅ dissociated
[PCl₅] = (1-x)/2
[PCl₃] = x/2
[Cl₂] = x/2

Kc = [PCl₃][Cl₂] / [PCl₅] = 0.04 = (x/2)(x/2) / [(1-x) / 2]

(0.04)(1-x) = x²

x² + 0.04x -0.04 = 0

x = 0.181

[PCl₅] = (1-x)/2 = (1-0.181)/2 = 0.41 mol dm⁻³

2014-03-25 21:56:13 補充:
Correction :

Kc = [PCl₃][Cl₂] / [PCl₅] = 0.04 = (x/2)(x/2) / [(1-x) / 2]

(0.08)(1-x) = x²

x² + 0.08x -0.08 = 0

x = 0.2457

[PCl₅] = (1-x)/2 = (1-0.2457)/2 = 0.3772 mol dm⁻³

2014-03-25 22:05:02 補充:
2.  N₂(g) + O₂(g) ⇄ 2NO(g)   Kc = 1.5X10⁻³

Let 2x mole of NO dissociated

[N₂] = (1+x) / 1 dm³
[O₂] = x / 1 dm³
[NO] = (2 - 2x) / 1 dm³

Kc = [NO]² / [N₂][O₂] = 1.5X10⁻³

1.5X10⁻³ = (2-2x)² / [(1+x)x]

(1.5X10⁻³)[(1+x)x] = (2-2x)²

(1.5X10⁻³)[x² + x] = 4x² - 8x + 4

2014-03-25 22:25:08 補充:
(1.5X10⁻³)x² + (1.5X10⁻³)x = 4x² - 8x + 4

(4 - 1.5X10⁻³)x² - (8 + 1.5X10⁻³)x + 4 = 0

3.9985x² - 8.0015x + 4 = 0

x = 1.028 (reject)

x = 0.9732

[O₂] = x / 1 dm³ = 0.9732 mol dm⁻³

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