Why don't delivery places deliver to my house?

2014-03-25 12:47 am
I just moved into a new house and I looked online at many different places and they won't deliver to my house they only offer carry-out when I put in my address. Why is that?

回答 (9)

2014-03-25 8:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are a few possibilities: it could be that you don't live close enough for them to deliver to you,it could also be that you live in a bad neighborhood where they don't deliver to,and it could also be that the previous residents pulled something like ordering and then not paying when the delivery came,but that would probably only explain one or two places not wanting to deliver and not all of them.
2014-03-25 1:55 am
You have to live fairly close to the restaurant, in order for them to deliver (about 5 miles.)

Answer mine plz : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnMZn9406UsvICNLZK9_x.rM_Nw4?qid=20140324174350AAaL9ym
參考: Experience
2014-03-25 12:50 am
How new is it. Have people lived in it before you?

More than likely the previous residents ordered food and never paid.
2014-03-25 12:49 am
they dont do that for my house either. Its likely you live out of the district or between two towns, that way neither town wants to deliver.
If you really want to know you can call one of the places and ask
2014-04-13 6:36 am
Sometimes towns have a restaurant delivery service available that is "stand alone" and will get food from anywhere and deliver it anywhere. It is convenient, fairly quick, and keep the food temperature as suitable for what it is -- hot roast, cold salad, etc. -- but it is more expensive than when you qualify for delivery from the restaurant itself.
2014-03-29 12:35 am
You are not in their "System" (gps). Most pizza joints are willing to meet customers half way, such as a car pool lot or something.
2014-03-25 10:14 am
Some places require a delivery location with at least 7-10 mile radius. If you telephone the delivery place and tell them your location to verify they can deliver to you.
2014-03-25 2:13 am
Most places only deliver within a 3 to 5 mile radius or you live in the ghetto
2014-03-25 12:49 am
Your house is not on the map and they don't know where it is.

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