can you still get type 2 diabetes if you exercise regularly - almost to the stage of obsessive exercising?

2014-03-24 4:41 pm
this is not me btw

回答 (8)

2014-03-24 4:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Not likely, but still possible. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to developing diabetes. Keeping your weight under control, eating a healthy diet and regular exercise are good ways to prevent it. However, there are some people who have a strong genetic predisposition and will end up with it anyway. Certain ethnic groups are more likely to develop diabetes as well (Hispanic and African American, for example). So can you? Yes. Will you? Maybe. Is it likely? Probably not, as long as you keep your weight under control.
2014-03-24 4:46 pm
Sometimes no matter how healthy you eat and how much exercise you could still get it. People who have never smoked or been around 2nd hand smoke get lung cancer. Living a healthy life style will help everyone be the best they can be.....but sometimes Mother Nature still zaps you!!!
2014-03-24 4:45 pm
Unfortunately, yes. Exercise cannot necessarily offset risks from a poor diet and genetics, but it will lower the odds considerably. There is a strong genetic component to Type II diabetes that in some cases cannot be overcome.
2016-05-20 12:20 pm
參考: Destroy Diabetes Starting Today :
2016-03-23 3:23 pm
2016-02-16 3:57 pm
There is a lot of stuff on the internet that is basically fat-shaming diabetics for causing their own diabetes with their bad diet and lack of exercise and general lack of moral fibre. A lot of this stuff is written by non-doctors, often with a supplement or diet or training plan to sell that they claim will completely cure diabetes if only people stick to it.

I read this interesting book that gave me a lot of useful tips about my disease and also a different perspective on the best therapeutical approach. I think you should read it too.
2015-08-24 10:00 pm
This Site Might Help You.

can you still get type 2 diabetes if you exercise regularly - almost to the stage of obsessive exercising?
this is not me btw
參考: type 2 diabetes exercise regularly stage obsessive exercising:
2014-03-24 6:50 pm
Yes. Genetics often come into play with diabetes. It's not a nice disease, good traits don't necessarily rule people out.

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