weight loss for a teenage girl?

2014-03-23 11:34 pm
Im 15 and i weigh 250. But i dont look like it . anyway i was wondering if anyone knew any good diets or maybe programs for teens. I want to be not so thick and more healthy for when i go to prom and graduate highschool. And i wont eat food if it does not taste good lol

回答 (9)

2014-03-23 11:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I just took two meal a day .
2016-04-21 8:19 pm
at a restaurant split your meal and eat only half meal and take the rest home if the quality is more
2016-04-21 2:23 pm
pay him back with a 25 minute rubdown
2015-12-22 11:13 pm
Don t take other suggestion to oder your dish when you go to restaurant with your friends
2014-03-25 11:48 am
Do one thing dear.
Start with you diet or changing your eating habit.
Take balanced diet as whole grains, spinach, eggs, fruits and green vegetables.
Don't skip your breakfast
Sleep well at night for 7-8 hours.
Drink plenty of water
Take 1 spoon honey with 1 glass of water
Now do some physcal workout
do squats
I think you will gain some good benefits.
2014-03-24 2:21 am
For weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise.

Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help. Foods or drinks such as coke and other soft drinks, desserts, sweets, cakes, cookies or biscuits must be eliminated or substantially reduced. Cereals must be restricted to those that contain less than 15% total sugars and junk sugar loaded foods such as pizzas must be avoided. Junk sugar bowls must be abolished.

Junk sugar health hazards are discussed in a web search for "sugar health hazards".

The natural sugars in fruit and vegetables are OK as they metabolise to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content so they have a low to medium GI value. Fruit and vegetables are low in calories and are not fattening. Most fruit and vegetables are metabolism boosting foods and that helps for weight loss. Potatoes and sweet potatoes are exceptions and can be fattening.

Fattening combinations that you need to avoid include combinations of protein foods (such as eggs, meat, poultry, sea food, cheese and nuts) with starchy carbohydrates (such as bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn).

Apparently the Lemon Detox Diet is the worst diet there is as in a web search for "lemon detox diet" + voted + worst.
2014-03-23 11:40 pm
ha im with you on the food not tasting good! honestly the best way i find is to just eat relativley health you dont have to go made and just eat salad just dont over eat and walking is a really good way of losing weight it may not sound much but a 30min walk everyday plus eating right will really help you out, thats how i done it and i lost 2 stone in less than 6 months, obviously people lose weight in different times but it is a good method

hope this helps x
2014-03-23 11:40 pm
i will tell you my personal experience , i was 125 Kg (believe it or not) and i tried this method and i become 54 in 1 month only, i didn't believe my self that happens in real, all my friends and parents was choked for that,and i had a friend that 213 Kg and she tried my method too and plus with the other method and she become 44 slimmer than me, i told you the thing that i know, and there is many my parents tried them out,and its up to you to choice.here the links:



this ^^ 2 links me and my friends tried them as i told you.

and this links that my relatives tried them and also got a good results.





good luck :D
2014-03-23 11:38 pm
Exercise and you wont have to go on a diet and you can eat whatever you want
2014-03-23 11:37 pm
Kenyan kut.

Beowulf Hamilton.

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