Do you think babies should be christened?

2014-03-23 12:19 pm
In Christian Orthodoxy we christen them right away as many baby deaths occurred in ages passed
We don't have confirmation.. as there isn't any in the bible

回答 (7)

2014-03-23 1:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, I'd like my children to be members of the Church as soon as possible. (And it isn't "christened." That's just presenting the child to God. It's "Baptized.)
2014-03-23 12:28 pm
Religious ritual must not be forced upon children who do not even have the capacity to consent.
2014-03-23 12:41 pm
If its your family tradition then why not?
In Islam and Judaism they circumcise male children, christening is no where near as physical.
2014-03-23 12:28 pm
Baptised, yes.
2014-03-23 12:24 pm
no they should not be christened
2014-03-23 12:21 pm
I think if you wanna be christened/have circumcision and so on you should do it at the age of 18 of your own free will and no have it thrown at you in a time you can't defend yourself.
2016-12-14 10:05 pm
To be saved you need to repent and accept Jesus as your Savior.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:27:47
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