
2014-03-23 10:13 am



This Statement of Accounts (P-012-14) replaces and supersedes our previous document of 25/3/14.


回答 (5)

2014-03-23 5:18 pm
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中文意思(是這份月結單取代之前嗰份文件)。但字眼一定要用supersede 好正式通用書面語放在文章頂。

你的句子"This Statement of Accounts (P-012-14) replaces and supersedes our previous document of 25/3/14."句子文法沒有問題,現在式動詞replaces和supersedes用得都正確。

如果要改,我會改"Statement of Accounts"為"Monthly Statement"寫月結單, 另外取消和"supersedes"一樣意思的重覆了的"replaces"一字:
"This Monthly Statement (P-012-14) supersedes our previous document of 25/3/14."(這份月結單 (P-012-14)取代之前25/3/14嗰份文件)
2014-03-27 5:28 pm
This Statement of Accounts (P-012-14) replaces and supersedes our previous document of 25/3/14.
Amendment: The monthly statement #P-012-14 should supersede our previous one issued on March 25, 2014.

參考: Partly according to ” The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation ” published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 1975
2014-03-24 2:53 am
This Monthly Statement (P-012-14) supersedes our previous document of 25/3/14.

I think it is correct,but it is not the best.

My answer is"This Monthly Statement (P-012-14) supplants our previous document of 25/3/14."

(replaces and supersedes are the same meaning.),So it is wrong!!!

I think I can help you more^^~
參考: myself
2014-03-23 5:02 pm

無得改, 因 "字眼一定要用 supersede"
supersede 這個字用錯
在 business 上, supersede 不是這麼用.
簡單的字,有時還清楚. 好過一知半解亂用.

回答者:TOMING88 的句子,
grammar (subject-verb agreement) 與 spelling 都是錯.

2014-03-25 23:44:00 補充:
supersede 有少少不同 replace, 在 agreement 中, 有”supersede and replace“ 這個 phrase, 連接一起用, 在 legal term 上, 兩個字不是一樣 meaning.

2014-03-27 04:29:39 補充:
“It replaces and supersedes any and all oral agreements between the parties, as well as any prior writings” ~ 在 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 其中一句, 取自


忘記發問者只問句子文法, 文法是正確. (我講 usage 是多餘)
2014-03-23 1:22 pm
This Statement of Accounts (P-012-014) superscede our previous available Statement of Tue 25/3/14 by more recent "supersedes" 23/3/14.

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