please help me!!!

2014-03-22 1:26 am
my brother don't go to school EVERYDAY!!

the EDB already call to my home

its hard to tell him to go to school

the main point is my brother have autism,he said go to school is so boring when he told him to go to school he beat me and my family

please help me

think a successful way,may be it is HARD,but please help me !!

回答 (1)

2014-03-22 2:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
i appreciate that you are concerning and caring about your brother. :)
This may be a confusing issue for you and your family.

However, as you said your brother told you that he felt bored at school,
you may consider the reason why does he feel bored at school, for example, is he lack of social support? or something else...
Only pushing him to go to school may not be the only option,
If you could find out what exactly make him feel bored, there will be some solutions.

if you cannot handle it, you may contact his school to seek for the help from school social worker.

2014-03-22 14:13:20 補充:
You can ask some questions to ask about whether the social worker in you brother's school understand the situation or not. If yes, you can explain the situation to the social worker and discuss what can be do more together. Keep contact to your brother's teacher and social worker maybe help.

2014-03-22 17:11:03 補充:
我地係小童群益會旗下既夜貓大使丫~ 不如你加我地FACEBOOK/SKYPE: [email protected] 同埋WHATSAPP: 9170 3714 , 同我地當值義工深入D傾下你既煩惱啦。

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