Buy property in UK (foreigner)

2014-03-21 11:02 pm
I was born and raised in Hong Kong, spent a couple of years studying in the UK.

Now working in Hong Kong.

I am thinking of going back to the UK and live there for the rest of my life.

1.) Will I be able to become one of their citizens if I invest a certain amount of money?
If YES, how much exactly?

2.) Does buying a house as a foreigner induces extra charges? (or if I have invested enough money, they count me as a british citizen?)

3.) Anyone can recommend any lawyers who are good at this.

Thanks a lot.

回答 (2)

2014-03-24 5:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫 =]

1) 1.) Will I be able to become one of their citizens if I invest a certain amount of money?If YES, how much exactly?

>> 可以, 投資移民係可行. 但係需要資金£1,000,000, 可以用呢筆錢去投資, 亦可以用黎去買樓, 如果唔夠錢的話, 咁可能consider 用tier 2 visa 黎英國做野, 住夠5年就可以申請居留

2.) Does buying a house as a foreigner induces extra charges? (or if I have invested enough money, they count me as a british citizen?)

>> 先答你第一條, 唔會, 我有好多朋友都係係英國買樓, 佢地都唔係英國citizen, 唔會話要俾excharges charges, 但係你買樓果時, depends on 你樓既價值, 都係要俾stamp duty 等.

>> 至於第2條, 你invest 都係要夠£1,000,000, 如果唔係你都唔可以算係投資移民. note that 投1移民用既係tier 1 visa, apply 果時要prove 到你有咁多錢, 而唔係話逐d逐d咁俾出去.

3.) Anyone can recommend any lawyers who are good at this.

>> hk 既lawyer 唔係好知, 但如果你想以投資移民既方法移民, 最好係先睇下你有冇夠既資金再搵律師, 因為如果唔夠錢的話, 你有再專業既律師都冇用的. 律師好多時都係幫你填application form, 等你唔好去到唔夠document, 而唔係話可以幫你走法律"la" 的.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk生活exp =]
2014-03-22 11:33 am
1. Yes - GBP 1 million (HKD$13 million)

2. No.

3. Search online if you want lawyers.

See here for detail:

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