What is your opinion?

2014-03-21 7:49 am
I need opinions because Im kinda on the fence.

My situation: Back in August of last year, my employer, a large health system, outsourced my job doing transcription. I wasnt really shocked, but thought we had more time before it happened. Im now at a crossroads as to a new career. Im seriously considering taking online classes for Cyber Security through a local college (associate's). Is this worth it?

Ive researched until Im blue in the face about the profession, so that part is covered. I dont want to end up like before. Im pretty computer savvy, though Im a far cry from a pro. Im done with the medical profession. Im not the nursing type nor do I want to go through that many years of school. Plus, I dont like dealing with the public all that much. I have a job now, but its barely paying the bills and I want to do something better to support my family but still be able to work from home. So, who better to ask than IT folks, what's your opinion?

回答 (1)

2014-03-22 12:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
You have to make sure the jobs are availalbe. Most people who work in the computer business have a BA degree - and if they don't, they may work an entry level as a support tech (that doesn't pay that much either).

Do a search on http://www.indeed.com and enter your zip code (and the job title). See how many listings you can come up with before you jump into this.

Best wishes

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:06:26
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