Fruit Allergies?

2014-03-21 6:12 am
I am allergic to some fruits and nuts. When I eat them, my throat and tongue itch. I saw that a lot of people with the same allergies I have are allergic to the fruits and nuts because they have seasonal allergies to different types of pollen. Since taking allergy medication makes my throat and eyes stop itching from pollen, could it also keep my tongue and throat from itching when I eat fruit?

回答 (4)

2014-03-21 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Taking an antihistamine might help a little bit. If you want permanent relief, get desensitation shots for your pollen allergy. This will also cure your allergy to fruit.
參考: Personal experience
2014-03-21 6:45 am
Go to the doctors and a allergy test
2014-03-21 6:27 am
Washing, or better still peeling the fruit should help.

Allergy medications can help.

Otherwise, if you are still reacting, it is best to avoid eating these fruits and vegetables in case you trigger a severe reaction.

A severe reaction in your mouth/throat can kill you.
2014-03-21 6:15 am
It would be better to stay away from these kind of fruits and nuts you are allergic to or take some advice from medical practitioner

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