
2014-03-21 3:54 am
想下問有咩phrase係關於traffic 同roads?

回答 (1)

2014-03-23 2:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案

~ traffic accident, traffic regulations, traffic sign, traffic safety,
traffic ticket, traffic violation, traffic report
~ traffic congestion =交通堵塞
~ traffic jam =交通擁塞
~ traffic volume = 交通量
~ traffic calming =車輛减速措施

~ be struck/caught/held up in traffic
~ avoid/miss the traffic
~ traffic is diverted

~ heavy/light traffic
~ oncoming traffic, two-way traffic, rush-hour traffic
~ the roar/rumble/hum of traffic

~ traffic in something (trafficking in drugs)


~ on the road
~ hit the road = 動身, 離去
~ down the road
~ pull off a road
~ road hog = 莽撞駕車者
~ a road fork, a fork in the road 道路分叉

All roads lead to Rome
= There are many different routes to the same goal

Road to Damascus
= a sudden turning point in a person's life

Where the rubber meet the road
= at the point in a process where there are challenges, issues, or problems.

get the show on the road
= to get (something) started

The road to hell is paved with good intentions
= something that you say which means people often intend to do good things but much of the time, they do not make the effort to do those things
參考: The Free Dictionary

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