
2014-03-20 3:16 pm
AB, BC and CD are 3 sides of a regular n - sided polygon ( n > 3). Is it true that BC must be parallel to AD for all values of n ? Please prove, thanks.

回答 (3)

2014-03-20 4:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Construct a //gram ABCM, join MD.
Let ∠ABM = x, so ∠BCM = 180° - x∠MCD = x - (180° - x) = 2x - 180°As CM = AB = CD, so ΔCMD is an isosceles triangle.∠CMD = ∠CDM = [180° - (2x - 180°)] / 2 = 180° - xAs ∠AMC = x (properties of //gram), therefore,∠AMC + ∠CMD = x + (180° - x) = 180°Therefore, AMD is a straight line (adjacent ∠s are supplementary).Therefore BC // AD

2014-03-20 15:38:03 補充:
Thanks, 郭Sir, 是我打錯了第二行,正確是:

Let ∠ABC = x, so ∠BCM = 180° - x

2014-03-20 18:49:00 補充:
2014-03-21 6:18 am

2014-03-20 10:58 pm
Let ∠AB[M] = x, so ∠BCM = 180° - x

Would it be : Let ∠AB[C] = x, so ∠BCM = 180° - x ?

2014-03-20 15:47:53 補充:

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