請幫我翻譯一小段中文 (中翻英)

2014-03-20 10:15 pm
請勿用翻譯機 給我美國慣用的用法別照字翻譯哦

xxx是我最喜歡的偶像,他影響我非常很多,他讓我開始努力學英文,並且讓我的未來越來越有希望,我16歲了,說小不小說大不大,我只想好好把握現在,也希望有一天能夠出國看見xxx本人:) xxx,你是我的夢想

''他影響我非常很多''這句不小心打錯了 是 ''他影響我非常多''

回答 (3)

2014-03-20 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
xxx is my favorite idol. He is quite influential to me. He inspired me to improve my English, and made my future hopeful. I am 16, not so young, and not so old, and I just want to grasp the present moment. I look forward to go aboard and see XXX himself-- you are my dream.

2014-03-20 22:16:26 補充:
更正一下 不是see xxx himself. 應該是see xxx in person
2014-03-21 12:56 am
xxx is my favourite idol who has a good influence on me. He let me start learning English hardly.(He let me make a great effort in learning English)and let it has more and more hope in the future of mine. I am already 16 now - not too young, not too old - and all I(what I )want to do is to cherish what I have at the monment. I hope that, also one day I would be able go abroad and see xxx himself) xxx, you are my dream come true.
參考: David
2014-03-21 12:07 am
xxx is my favourite idol who has influenced me a lot. It is him who planted the idea of learning English in my mind and since then I have studied hard in order to master the language. He also made my future fill with more and more hope. I am already 16 now - not too young, but not too old either - and I just want to cherish the present. I hope that, one day, I would be able to travel abroad and see xxx in person :) xxx, you are my dream.

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