2014-03-19 10:00 pm

最近的夢都與 ‘性’ 有關

準備發生性愛時, 發覺被其他人望住而終止性行為.


在自己的房間裡,我正準備與一名妓女發生性行為. 發覺有2個人在我房間. 所以就終止了. 然後我很生氣的趕走這2個人

另一個是同事,他是一名胖子,給我的印象是 (牆頭草, 沒主見, 小人物)

我身處於小時住的舊區, 我正準備回家!
回家的方式是 買票>坐火箭上太空>然後在太空跳回來地球!
*這舊朋友給我的印象是 領袖

但是玩得太久,好像錯過了升空時間, 我趕去售票處, 但已經太遲!
看見在我前面的人賄賂那售票員買了一張坐火箭的票! 但我給的錢太少,那人不肯賣給我 (我錢包裡還是有錢的,好像是$150)

然後我跟一個女人吵架 (她是我很久前,不太熟的朋友, 給我的印象是-好玩又囂張) 吵著吵著,就跟她成為男女朋友關係!!!
然後跟她在街上愛撫!! 然後我們準備找個沒人的地方性愛.
找了一個街市大廈,地方很髒! 然後去了一個公廁準備 ‘完事’( 那個公廁很破舊,很髒)
但是當我準備 ‘開始’時,又被人發現..最後也沒有 ‘完事’

* ‘那個人’ 是陌生人! 在我夢裡的感覺他是神父 (不碓定)

除了 那個 "神父" 其他人在現實中我都認識的


i am 23 i think that is not normal and it is not normal sex dream. because I cannot finish the sex on the dream

回答 (6)

2014-04-02 11:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
friend and unkown person is your own reflection
you know yourselve and the fat man is your own projection of characteristic
you have low esteem , and you miss the chacnce of haveing real love and sex in teentage time, why i say this because, the second dream rocket is male sex organ, and as you growth up you know that sex is not just sex is also means money which u lack of , and final paragrah , you got a female target to have sex or love, or without just want to paid to have sex, but final priest, either you have religious backgorund or you moral conduct supress you to paid for sex, that mean find a hooker to have sex to fulfill you desire need.
you want and you supress , and you couldnt find a way to express it
so paradox occur and dream, your moral conduct is high , even in dream you supress the sex you need. but if supress too much will need to mental problem, so face what you need find a girl friend and build your family, true love no need money

2014-04-02 15:58:01 補充:
correct you dont know yourselve

2014-04-02 17:04:37 補充:
correct you have no confident in yourselve

2014-04-03 01:11:02 補充:
is common grow up process problem, and u r 23 , you got a reality check,
need a nice apartment to have sex, but reality is you dont have, so no confident to ask for sexual intercourse, and is common problem in the society now, young people cant afford appartment, and living area is too crowded,

2014-04-03 01:13:41 補充:
and as i guess you are traditional thinking, sex consequences is baby and marry, but marry need apartment, but no money for appartment, so you supress for sex , no courage for sex
2015-03-01 10:28 pm


2014-05-25 11:38 pm

免費破解會員註冊 http://adf.ly/jSx9Z
2014-04-11 12:30 pm
2014-04-02 11:11 pm
其實夢境, 我個人比較科學少少地去睇有兩大原因.

1) 日有所思夜有所夢.古人所講有D道理架,夢好多時係反映現實世界中的願望,慾望.而這類情況下的夢境都是比較開心或你能知道它的出現原因 (原因就例如你常常想著靚車,夢中你成了賽車手, 雖然沒直接關係,但你心裹明白為什麼有這個夢)

你這情況明顯是來至願望,慾望. 或下面:

2)夢是釋放壓力的其中一個途徑. 夢給你一個不需負責任的途徑去釋放壓力, 害怕,憤怒, 傷心, 哀慟 等等現實生活中很少出現的激烈情緒反應都是釋放壓力的好方法.
例如好簡單, 大喊一場, 痛快地打人一頓, 你我甚至小學生都知可以用黎減壓, 令自己一剎那心中舒服D.
但你現實世界中自問常唔常做呀?打人就犯罪, 大喊就冇面,肯定唔多啦.夢這時候就給給你一個不需負責任的途徑去釋放壓力. 我經常建議朋友如果夢中你可以控制自己,就盡情做你想做既野, 減壓一下啦.

3. 超自然第六感, 恕我才疏學淺,答不到.
2014-03-25 1:48 pm
How old are you?
If you are between 13 to 18, this is normal
Boys pubic development start from 13 to 14, you will have sex dreams.
The next, you may squirt your sperms out during your dream (jerk off).
This is normal, after you jerk off several times, your sex dream will be gone, and you become a man now, only without actual sex with a female.

And if you go out with a girl (let's say you are 14), your penis will erect sometime, or most of the time when you holding her hands or get too close to her body, you will wet your underwear from time to time, you just can hold on.

When you are 18 or up, your erection may under control, won't show erection so often. Young man, this is all male will experience this development.

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