I dont know what i should do with this friendship?

2014-03-19 7:58 am
this is going to be a bit long, and you might think it's just another stupid friends problem between girls. But this problem is killing me, so please take time and read it and help me. Thanks so much.
So I have my friends A and B used to be besties. I would always feel excluded because I can't fit in. But then a girl, C came into our group and things started to change. B and C suddenly became so close and A was jealous. She felt like B was drafting away from her, and so she started to become close to me. And soon, she moved school.
And now B, C and I are friends. I don't feel upset even though they are best friends. I still talks to A, and because B doesn't have a phone and C doesn't like A, A think that I am the only one misses her. So she is kind of close with me now.
But the thing is, B is getting a phone soon and she wants to be besties with both A and C, and also, C is leaving to another country soon.
I am really scared that when C leaves, A and B will become best friends again, and I won't have a place to stand. I don't want to lose them, but I feel like they will draft away from me once they are best friends again. I feel like B will talk behind me and say things like ' you know D(me) really hate you?' 'D said she doesn't like you' and all that because she did it a several times before and A actually believed her. If she do that again, I feel like I will actually lose them. I don't know why I'm thinking about all this, but I am really scared and I don't know what to do

回答 (3)

2014-03-19 8:14 am
I feel your pain, sister! Once I was part of a little gaggle, there was T, E, G and Rhi (me). Then I left school and the next school year all new people came and E and G went off with the new girls and T? T stuck with me. She was really sweet, phoning and letting me come over to her house, and she went to my Saturay sports club as well. So that was nice. But E and G were drifting away, I called G once or twice but she was always dismissal and "whatever". E didn't even phone once. It was sad, because I felt like I had no friends. But I had T, I still have T, and she's the best friend a girl could wish for. So, you know the "two's company, three's a crowd" thing? Obviously, one of your gaggle is feeling left out. Maybe it's you, or A or B. But if I were you, I would stick with A, as she stood by you when B ran off with C. OK??

Rhi xxx
參考: Me
2014-03-19 8:06 am
I have been in a different situation with the same outcome. For me my best friend of 2 years left to another state. While in that state she got a new friend who was as close to her as I was. She actually started talking to me less on skype and less calls. I was scared she was going to forget about me so I just hit her up and told her the truth that I didn't want things to change between us and want us to get back to normal when she comes back. We now talk every day. So my advice to you is to just text or call or skype friend A and just tell her what you told us. I am a freshman in high school and know by experience that if ou don't tell her how you feel that she won't ever know and might very well just go back to being besties with just B. Just tell her that C is leaving so her and B can get close again and that's great but you also don't want to lose her as a friend. Hopefully everything works out :)
2014-03-19 8:02 am
Distance yourself from them, and find a new best friend. Also this was a good way to learn what "true" friendship is.

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