Would you want your spouse to tell you about having been propositioned for sex?

2014-03-18 6:07 pm
Let's say, for example, that your spouse went to a concert - you didn't go, because you weren't interested. While there, your spouse got into a conversation with a member of the opposite sex. At some point, this person proposed sex with your spouse. Your spouse told the person, "No, I'm married." But the other person said that's OK, lets do it anyway. Your spouse may have thought the other person was good looking, but still turned down the proposition, and that was the end of that, and they never had contact again.

Now your spouse is feeling a bit guilty about having felt flattered about what happened. Would you want your spouse to tell you any of this? All of this? None of this?

回答 (16)

2014-03-18 6:12 pm
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Not a chance. I would HATE to be told any part of that scenario, and would be angry and confused about his motives for telling me.

I'm aware that, in the world, there are others who would sleep with my husband (and see it first hand when his band plays). I trust him and don't think about it, which is my way of staying sane and not putting it on him.

If he told me that scenario, I would have to do the work of not being upset about it, and that's unfair, as I'm the innocent party, hence the reason I would be angry that he gave me the "information" to have to deal with.
2014-03-18 6:25 pm
What's the point? Nothing happened and I don't need to know about things that never occurred.
2014-03-18 7:24 pm
None of it. My ex used to tell me he'd get hit on and not know what to do and I used to just think either that's sweet or he's lying to me...at the end I found out he was lying to me.

I had men hit on me over the years when I was married, proposition me...I turned them down and I never told my ex. I had nothing to feel guilty about because I didn't do anything wrong and nothing came of it. I don't think saying anything to my partner would have done any good either.

So, I guess my answer is no - I would not tell them anything.
2014-03-18 6:43 pm
I don't think you should feel guilty I would definitely not want my husband to tell me if this happened. You did the right thing by shutting it down immediately. It really doesn't do any good to tell the other person. There is so much opportunity out there and so many immoral people out there. Why make your spouse insecure. Keep doing the right thing and you are doing good and should feel good about yourself. No reason for the guilt unless you actually considered it. If so then check yourself and be faithful in your heart and your mind.
2014-03-18 6:36 pm
Nope...not a word. You did the right thing, you don't have to showoff that you did not do the wrong thing.
2014-03-18 6:28 pm
I could care less!!! All that matters is that she is ok!!
2014-03-18 6:25 pm
I wouldn't want to hear about it.
2014-03-18 6:31 pm
I would not want her to tell me. I know myself, and hearing this would make me feel insecure. Just being honest! Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss.
2014-03-18 6:18 pm
I wouldn't mind either way. If he didn't tell me about it and Someone else told me, it wouldn't matter. If he did tell me, I 'd be happy that he felt flattered. Everyone likes that, it's normal
2014-03-19 12:27 am
I think i would not like to hear a story about this. sometimes you have to keep somethings to yourself, specially if you know that you wouldnt do anything that could hurt your partner.
2014-03-18 7:50 pm
Don't need to know.
2014-03-18 7:18 pm
Wouldn't care if I was told or not...it's not an interesting story...it wouldn't surprise me that there are other women in the world that find him desirable...I'd find it odd if he claimed he felt "guilty" prior to telling me (if he told me)...
2014-03-18 6:33 pm
I see no reason to share things like that. Exactly what benefit is there supposed to be to the spouse who didn't go? Make them jealous, revenge for you having to go on your own, clear your own guilt for even thinking about accepting the invitation? What? Those kind of things are best left alone.
2014-03-18 6:32 pm
I would think it was amusing, and his proof of how much he cares for me - after all in life no matter who you are someone even knowing your taken will eventually make an attempt, this shows me he knows how to handle himself in such situations.....he can not control what someone says or does no more than you can.
He is also secretly asking for some flirtiest behaviour on your part never let that die soon after your relationship will too
2014-05-30 11:45 am
Your a weirdo
2014-07-23 5:16 pm

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