Is it a good timing to buy Alibaba right after it's IPO?

2014-03-18 9:15 am

回答 (2)

2014-03-18 10:44 am
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I think so, that stock is going to shoot up regardless and it's not going to stop going up ever. It might lag with uncertainty a little bit because China is pressuring them with all kinds of new restrictions and laws. So if you're going to get in I would prolly get in right off the bat. Not all you're money, maybe 25% of what you want to invest. Then wait for maybe a little dip then buy more. That company makes more than eBay and Amazon combined.
It will soon beat out Walmart as far as revenues go.
參考: Research
2014-03-25 4:59 am
Good idea.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 02:37:33
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