Confession time: Who is a singer you love, but no one else does?

2014-03-17 4:29 pm
Share to the world a singer you love, and they don't.
My answer: (please don't hate me) I love Rebbeca Black...

回答 (9)

2014-03-17 4:44 pm
lana del rey
some people do like her though
2014-03-17 4:38 pm
I won't judge you. Even though I like Heavy Metal music, I looove James Brown. My friends think I'm nuts.
2014-03-17 4:36 pm
Rebecca Black is cool. She is really the sweetest girl and she doesn't deserve all the hate.
2014-03-17 4:30 pm
I like Rebecca Black too, she's so HOT!!!
2014-03-17 4:55 pm
Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens)
2014-03-17 4:40 pm
My favorite is Roberta Flack (oldie).....!!
2014-03-17 4:34 pm
I love Edith Piaf. No one I know likes her though.
2014-03-17 4:34 pm
I don't really have a favorite artist and i doubt anyone completly hates the artist i'm gonna say, but i love Mariah Carey and TLC.
2014-03-17 4:34 pm
afroman, buddy holly, err.......cant think?

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