How do you distinguish between a magician playing a trick and a man being subject to a miracle by the divine?

2014-03-17 1:34 pm
For example, let's say you see a video, or a photograph or read a story where a man supposedly jogs across Lake Michigan from Chicago to Muskegon across the liquid water in bare feet.

What is your methodology to tell if this phenomenon is either a trick by a magician with an unknown physical, non-supernatural explanation or if it is a genuine miracle where the divine allowed the man to defy how nature normally works?

@Syed You didn't answer the question. I agree that there must be some difference between a person who can perform a miracle and a magician who is just performing a trick. I asked you for how to -tell- that difference. Please edit your answer to address the question.

回答 (3)

2014-03-17 1:36 pm
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I'll put it like this - if you see anything that is 'unexplainable', 'improbable', or seems 'miraculous', it's a trick.
2014-03-17 1:41 pm
until we know about any trick, we call it as magic. presently, we can say it as a trick only.
2014-03-17 1:38 pm
Dude those who are gifted with Miracles are completly different from normal Human beings, they live simply, or may be distant from humans

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