What would each zodiac sign do if there was resident evil happening?

2014-03-16 6:33 pm

回答 (4)

2014-03-18 2:37 am
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Aries - They would be one of the fighters. The frontliner in combat. And, they'll be pretty good at killing all the zombies. They know how to survive, really. The strongest in combat of all the signs.

Taurus - The one looking after the group, the one caring for everyone and making sure no one is bitten, or starving to death. They are the uplifters in the group, making sure everyone is still sane and tough for the challenges ahead.

Gemini - One of the combat fighters. The ones that enjoy the killing spree. They can be pretty sick. Though unlike the Aries, they are less talk and more on protecting and killing. When the Aries are away, the Gemini stay to protect the whole group - from zombies and traitors. They are the backbone for survival.

Cancer - The bipolar ones. The impatient ones. The ones that overthink sometimes. They will argue with everyone that they have to stay or go or anything they want. Though, they can be really good at defense if they put their mind to it.

Leo - The ones in charge of defense. But, more on combat. They are the wise ones of the 12 signs. They are the eyes of the whole area. They are the ones behind intelligence. Great team up with Aries and Gemini.

Virgo - The ones who started the virus. You have to admit it. Most virgo's are pretty smart. They have the brains. The virgo's start the virus, the dissemination of the virus, and the world's end.

Libra - The ones spreading the virus. They are the ones working for the government, taking orders, and successfully accomplish the tasks given in hand. They never fail what they are ordered to do. Hardworkers, they are.

Scorpio - This is the mastermind, the sector behind the whole scheme of zombies. The villain. Some may also be in the group of survivors, thinking of a way to get to safety as soon as possible, regardless of the others' safety.

Sagittarius - The ones who put others' safety before theirs. They would sacrifice themselves if they had to. But, they will always find a way out of every situation. They are the complete combo of an Aries, Gemini and Leo. Plus, someone else might want to die for a person with this sign because everyone loves a person under this sign.

Capricorn - The ones who will always be there to work through a swarm of zombies. But, lose their mind before doing so. They are very tough - yes. But, they will always have the uncertainty to do the things if they are the ones who thought of the idea. They have a way of underestimating or blaming themselves.

Aquarius - The one after the Sagittarius' strenght. They are the ones who are always good at something, and will always be good at that something. They could be good at covering up the tracks of the sector under the cause of zombies. Yes, they can be really evil.

Pisces - No offense, but the ones who try to think, but cannot put into action because they keep screaming. Joke. I just don't know much Pisces.
參考: Leo
2016-03-10 12:41 pm
Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius would probably come up with funny pranks to pull on Virgo, Aquarius and Capricorn... ya know, the more serious types who get involved in deep, intellectual conversations together? Pisces and Scorpio are probably writing creatively emo poems about their love life. Leo (if he's like my brother) and Libra (if he's like my dad) would probably gossip and superficially make fun of other people's flaws (probably the 10 other Zodiac signs) to make themselves feel as if they're all that. Taurus (Male) and Cancer (Female) would probably secretly make love under the bed while everyone else is doing his or her own thing. :P
2014-03-16 6:57 pm
Aquarian will face the situation given they generally have expertise dealing with super natural beings.
參考: Sixth Sense
2014-03-16 7:26 pm
I would wipe the floor with them.

My signs:
Virgo Sun in the 12th house
Virgo Rising
Virgo Mercury in the 7th house
Pisces Moon in the 6th house
Leo Venus
Mars in Libra
Jupiter in Libra
Saturn in Aquarius
Aries true Lilith
Pluto in Scorpio

Sagittarius True North Node.

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