Court ordered child support?

2014-03-16 11:48 am
I am on disability and recieve medicaid and medicare.
My son is 16 and his father stopped giving child support.
If I court order child support, would they take away my Medicaid and or Medicare?

回答 (3)

2014-03-16 7:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Steven has no clue. Many ppl get both Medicare and Medicaid, it's called dual-eligibility.

Child support is for your child, it will not affect your benefits.
2014-03-16 7:47 pm
If you haven't already secured a court order for child support, the STATE will do so on your behalf to recoup the portion of payments you would not be eligible for if you were receiving child support. If you did not inform then who the father is when you applied for government welfare, YOU committed fraud.

Note: You can receive medicaid OR medicare, but you can't legally receive both for the same person at the same time.
2014-03-16 6:49 pm

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