
2014-03-17 1:03 am
after a quarter of a century writing news reports and commentaries about Hong Kong and China, veteran journalist Kevin Lau Chun-to -- who was brutally chopped - had in recent weeks found himself in the headlines held aloft as a victim in what some
are calling Hong Kong's besieged media.

我想問had in recent weeks found himself in the headlines held aloft as a victim in
what some are calling Hong Kong's besieged media.點解?

回答 (2)

2014-03-17 2:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
had in recent weeks found himself in the headlines held aloft as a victim in what some are calling Hong Kong's besieged media

近幾星期(in recent weeks),發現自己(had found himself)在頭條上( in the headlines)被高調報導成一個一些人稱之為「四處受敵的傳媒中」的受害者(held aloft as a victim in what some are calling Hong Kong's besieged media)。

分開一 part part 看,有時調一調順序便行了。

aloft 指「在高處」,這裡配合語境,held aloft in the headlines 可解作「在頭條被高調報道」,留意 held 是個 passive participle,故此又被動的意思。
2014-03-17 5:12 am
You have already got detailed explanation from Answer one

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